We find the rightInterim manager for you

For complex projects on a temporary basis, we are happy to provide you with our

F&P industry experts with many years of experience.

Customized interim management:Your temporary success team

Our industry experts with many years of experience offer more than just temporary support – they pave the way for sustainable success and are at your side for complex projects on a temporary basis. Rely on our expertise in interim management!

Field-proven expertisefor your corporate goals

Our tried-and-tested interim managers with many years of experience turn your challenges into successes. For demanding transformation projects, we offer you perfectly coordinated interim teams that fit harmoniously into your corporate structures. Take advantage of our expertise to achieve your corporate goals efficiently.

Areas of interim management

Interim Manager Tagessätze

Transparenz bei Interim-Manager-Tagessätzen

Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Kosten von Interim-Managern? Auf dieser Seite erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke in die Preisgestaltung und erfahren, worauf es bei der Honorarberechnung wirklich ankommt.


Interimsleitung – Flexibilität und Expertise auf Zeit

Erfahrene Führungskräfte übernehmen schnell und effizient Schlüsselpositionen in Ihrem Unternehmen. Entdecken Sie, wie Interimsleiter kurzfristig Stabilität schaffen, Veränderungsprozesse vorantreiben und wertvolle Impulse für Ihren Unternehmenserfolg liefern.

Interim Manager werden

Ihr Einstieg in eine flexible Karriere – Sie möchten als Interim-Manager durchstarten? Finden Sie heraus, welche Voraussetzungen und Chancen dieser Karriereweg bietet, welche Branchen besonders gefragt sind und wie Sie sich erfolgreich positionieren.

Kriterien für die Auswahl eines Interim Managers

Die richtigen Interim-Manager finden –Welche Aspekte sind entscheidend, um den idealen Interim-Manager für Ihr Unternehmen auszuwählen? Erfahren Sie, welche Qualifikationen, Branchenkenntnisse und Soft Skills wirklich zählen und wie Sie die beste Wahl treffen.

Was ist Interim Management?

Interim Management – Flexibel, effizient, lösungsorientiert – Was zeichnet Interim Management aus, in welchen Situationen kommt es zum Einsatz, und welche Vorteile bietet es Unternehmen? Entdecken Sie, wie erfahrene Führungskräfte auf Zeit Herausforderungen meistern und nachhaltige Veränderungen bewirken.


Die Fach- und Führungskräfte in unserem Pool verfügen über mehrere Tausend Kompetenzen, die sie entlang verschiedenen beruflichen Stationen erworben haben – sei es in Festanstellung oder einer selbstständigen Tätigkeit. Sie übernehmen Mandate verschiedener Art: von Geschäftsführung über Vorstandsfunktionen bis hin zur Leitung und operativen Umsetzung von Spezialprojekten.

Excellent full-service interim managementalong the value chain

  • Anchoring the digital transformation in the relevant operational areas
  • Implementation of change management projects in the operational business units
  • Operational implementation of restructuring projects
  • Interim project assignments in operational and supporting functional areas
  • Filling temporary management positions at the 1st and 2nd management level of industrial companies
  • Interim filling of CxO positions as CRO, CEO, CMO, COO, CHRO, etc.

WhyF&P Interim Management?

F&P AG offers you more than interim management for temporary projects. Thanks to our unique USP, we provide you with well-coordinated teams along the entire value chain for complex change projects.

Our interim law firm supports industrial companies with our partners’ in-depth expertise, know-how and many years of practical experience. We analyze your business areas, develop and implement tailor-made concepts and successfully bridge vacant positions.

F&P Interim ManagementYour strategy for sustainable change

Thanks to our extensive experience in project management and the application of modern management approaches, our interim managers solve the assigned tasks in a targeted manner. One of our particular strengths is the unique selling point of an interim management firm.

We are one of the best-known German associations of experts in this field. This provides our interim managers with professional support and continuous methodological training. Our clients benefit from flexible solutions and well-coordinated partner teams that enable efficient project implementation.


F&P Executive Solutions has been an Associated Partner of the umbrella organization Deutsches Interim Management (DDIM) since 2015 and has been one of the main sponsors of the annual DDIM congress since 2017.

Shaping the futureOur goals in interim management

Through the targeted selection of suitable interim managers from F&P Executive Solutions AG, we strive to provide our clients with flexible support and to successfully implement complex projects within clearly defined time frames.

With our outstanding strengths, we are ideally equipped for all business challenges and solve our customers’ tasks reliably, quickly and in a target-oriented manner.

Interim management explainedFlexibility and temporary leadership

Interim management is the targeted deployment of experienced external managers for temporary projects or to bridge management gaps at a strategic level. These experts take on key roles in various areas such as restructuring, digital transformation, business transformation and operational functional areas along the entire value chain.

Our fields of activity

Fast candidate selection in 48 hours:Ready for action for your success

Project­inquiry Fill out

Tell us about your project and what kind of expert you are looking for. If your project is complex and multi-faceted, we are your first partner to present you with experienced teams.

Get connected with the right expert

Within 48 hours, we will send you pre-selected profiles that are tailored to your project requirements.

Select your candidate

The onboarding process starts with a video call with your selected expert. If you are not yet convinced by the expert, we will be happy to find the right one on request.

Branchen Expertise

With our extensive partner network, we cover the entire industry spectrum.

Everything you need to knowInterim Management FAQ

Interim managers are freelancers who work for different companies on temporary projects. They are characterized by the fact that they can provide immediate operational and temporary support to companies without a long training period thanks to their many years of operational experience at 1st and 2nd management level and extensive specialist knowledge.

An interim manager makes sense for companies when there is an exceptional situation, such as bridging a vacant position due to the loss of a manager or a temporary need for specialist knowledge that is not sufficiently available within the company or due to bottlenecks in necessary projects. In such a situation, companies must react quickly and resolve the bottleneck with an external expert. Interim managers close the know-how and capacity gaps quickly and sustainably.

In contrast to management consultants, interim managers assume operational and/or administrative responsibility in a company. They have the task of implementing and completing operational measures and tasks. In the case of consulting, on the other hand, proposals, concepts and methods are developed which the client must implement independently. In both cases, wide-ranging, industry-specific and external knowledge is required to support companies in solving problems. F&P specializes in both consulting and interim management.

The increasing flexibility of the working world with advancing digitalization and scarce resources means that management capacities and expertise cannot be kept in-house indefinitely. Interim managers are increasingly taking on the implementation of mandates when project capacities are scarce and special expertise is required. Interim managers are generally available quickly and deliver measurable results and implementable solutions from day one.

As a company, you not only have the advantage that experts with industry-relevant specialist knowledge are available to you at short notice, but also the opportunity to save on personnel costs. During the project, there are no additional costs for you as a company due to wages, illness or vacation.

Temporary managers take on responsibility in various areas of the company. These include all managerial positions, such as departmental or divisional management. However, the experts are also often deployed as management or board members in crisis management, in the restructuring phase and in the reorganization of companies in difficulties.

In general, it can be said that the use of an interim manager does not necessarily have to be restricted to large corporations. The use of an interim manager can also be worthwhile for medium-sized companies.

Interim management is becoming increasingly popular in Germany. This is probably also due to the fact that interim managers can be deployed in all sectors. Whether in mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive industry or the consumer goods industry. They can be deployed in almost all sectors.

The duration of an interim management assignment depends entirely on the type of assignment. It usually starts at 3 months, but can last up to 18 months. It can therefore be said that the assignment can last 7 – 12 months on average.

Numerous consulting firms, especially in the IT sector, are used to working remotely with their clients, unlike interim managers. Increasing digitalization and the hype surrounding video conferencing via Microsoft Teams and ZOOM have made it possible for interim managers to work remotely rather than on site on a wide range of projects. This trend will continue and provide an enormous growth spurt in the medium to long term. The advantage for interim managers is that they no longer have to work 4-5 days away from their family. The acceptance of interim management and digital project management will increase.

In order to successfully complete an interim management mandate, it helps to first define the objectives precisely. It is also important to be aware of the risks and to involve the employees in the project with extensive communication. The neutrality and experience of the experienced interim manager is just as crucial to success as their excellent management and communication skills.

To start looking for the right interim manager, it usually helps to search your own network. When making your selection, you should ensure that they have sufficient experience. It is also always helpful to read reference projects from interim experts before making a decision. Alternatively, it is a good idea to commission specialized interim management providers to search for suitable interim managers and industry experts. Platforms for the acquisition of interim managers are also becoming increasingly important. These have significant cost advantages, but also entail enormous risks, as the intermediaries accompany the process before, during and in the expiry phase of the mandate, provide the client with legal certainty and find the right manager, which can sometimes significantly increase efficiency.

How much an interim manager costs depends on various factors, such as the duration of the assignment or the task. However, a guideline for the daily rate of an interim manager is 1% of the gross annual salary of a permanent employee in a comparable position.

An interim manager takes on temporary project and/or management tasks in companies. Care must be taken here to ensure that he refutes any appearance of pseudo-self-employment with clear, verifiable facts. The interim manager acts independently and is not part of the client’s organization in disciplinary terms. He is a specialist who works on a project-by-project basis and completes special tasks quickly, comprehensively and sustainably. Their project tasks usually involve the design and implementation of new processes and procedures, which are later continued by the organization and permanent employees. Interim managers often act as crisis managers who avert crises, avoid insolvencies, restructure companies or manage transformation and growth projects. The interim manager comes to go, a cliché that is true in many cases.

To be successful in interim management, you should ideally have at least 20 years of professional experience. A temporary manager should also have a good network, be flexible and be prepared to take risks.

Interim management providers are sales specialists who are strong in mandate acquisition and manage the “perfect match” between the client and the temporary manager or expert appointed. They support both stakeholders throughout the entire mandate and ensure the impeccable quality of the interim management service. Interim law firms are different. They are an association of interim managers and industry experts who all have many years of experience and whose type of income is not the commercial placement of third parties, but who are themselves placed on mandates.

Interim management firms are characterized by the fact that they can provide entire teams of experts, similar to consulting firms, with the difference that they not only create concepts but also implement them operationally. In contrast to interim management providers, the experts deployed by the firm are professionally qualified in an academy and work with standardized tools and methods in order to be able to handle complex customer projects. Interim management firms guarantee the highest manager and therefore project quality.

Not at all. Strategic partnerships between interim management providers and interim management firms are increasingly emerging, as it is only possible to prevail as a team, especially in pitches against pitching consulting firms. F&P AG has concluded numerous cooperation agreements with well-known providers and emphasizes the advantages that both sides derive from this special form of cooperation.

Interim managers are freelancers and it is precisely this characteristic that clearly distinguishes them from permanently employed managers. As entrepreneurs, they must protect themselves against all risks and establish their own company very professionally on the market or, for example, market themselves openly to the outside world under the umbrella of a professional interim management provider. This market power characterizes associations of managers to form a strong community in the form of an interim management partnership.

Your contacts for interim management