Find first-class risk management experts

Every company needs an optimized finance department. F&P Executive Solutions AG stands for holistic, practice-oriented solutions.

Risk management

Risk management is a key component of corporate management. It comprises the planning, organization, management and control of activities aimed at identifying, assessing and minimizing risks. Required by law, effective risk management enables your company to achieve its goals and be successful in the long term.

Risk management with F&P

We can support you as an interim risk manager or consultant in all risk management issues.

  • Risk management in projects is an intelligent method of ensuring success and minimizing potential risks.
  • Full-service integration into your project planning enables you to record the current risk status for your team at all times.
  • Our risk managers have 10+ years of industry experience at managing level to support you competently.

Our managers will help you to avoid liability risks.

Development of a revision-proof framework

An intelligent framework defines who takes on which tasks in risk management and how cooperation between the various players is organized.

Identification of risks

Identifying and assessing risks by analyzing company data, conducting surveys or observing the market.

Risk monitoring & early warning systems

Regular monitoring of risks and establishment of an early warning system that provides information when risks arise or already identified risks increase.

Our fields of activityIncreasing performance through operational excellence

Our experts take a holistic view of your value chain and design your processes with an intelligent strategy, which is then implemented in a customized manner.

Branchen Expertise

With our extensive partner network, we cover the entire industry spectrum.

Fast candidate selection in 48 hours:Ready for action for your success

Project­inquiry Fill out

Tell us about your project and what kind of expert you are looking for. If your project is complex and multi-faceted, we are your first partner to present you with experienced teams.

Get connected with the right expert

Within 48 hours, we will send you pre-selected profiles that are tailored to your project requirements.

Select your candidate

The onboarding process starts with a video call with your selected expert. If you are not yet convinced by the expert, we will be happy to find the right one on request.

Your experts for riskmanagement

Dipl.-/B.-Kfm. Michael Weßling

Senior Partner


Dipl. Oek. Sascha Stockfisch

Senior Partner

+49 40 8000 845

Dipl. Kaufm. Univ. Peter Spitlbauer

Associate Partner

+49 176 249 144